Designing Trust

I redesigned's information architecture, visuals, and interactive elements to decrease bounce rates and boost retention and click-through rates. Through extensive surveys, usability testing, and feedback analysis, I created a user-friendly, visually appealing, and functionally effective design.


The goal was to decrease bounce rates and increase both retention and click rates on The focus was on enhancing the user experience through improved interface design, making the site more engaging, enjoyable and easier to navigate.

Insights & Results

The user research provided insights into user behavior, leading to a more intuitive design. This resulted in lower bounce rates, higher retention, and increased click-through rates, showing the redesign's success in boosting user engagement.

Deliverables & Disciplines

Web / UI / UX / Product Design

Final Website Mockups

Home of the Best Recommendations

The redesigned layout with clear calls-to-action created a more inviting design, enhancing the overall user experience.

Apps Page

I improved categorization and filtering to help users find what they were looking for more easily, making navigation more intuitive.

Product Page

I improved readability and user satisfaction by organizing the layout more clearly, providing clearer product information, and creating a more engaging experience.

Recommended products page

I designed personalised recommendations to foster trust, enhancing users' sense of being valued and understood.


I redesigned special offers to enhance their discoverability and grouping, making them more prominent and increasing user interest in available promotions.

Search results

I enhanced search functionality by simplifying filtering and comparison, making it easier to find relevant results and contributing to a smoother, more satisfying search experience.

Fewer Choices Equals Faster Browsing

I simplified navigation and reduced choices, making site exploration easier and decision-making faster, resulting in a more fluid and enjoyable browsing experience.

Interstitial banner

I designed interstitial banners to engage users effectively without being intrusive, enhancing the appeal of the promotional content.